
[Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:24:01 +0000]
I don't really update this page anymore. I just blog as I want and generally prefer to paste code inside the posts themselves. There's also my GitHub profile []. Active/Maintained * PubMed2XL []: a GUI Python application that can convert a PubMed XML file to a Microsoft Excel (.xls) file. Command line options available. * Eighteen Rules []: a web application designed to help guitar makers and luthiers calculate fret distances using the Rule of 18. [] Inactive/Not Maintained * HammerFlicks [] – a small project to use the Netflix API to discover which Hammer Films movies are available on Netflix's Watch Instantly. The previous name of the project was "HammerFlix" though this was changed to comply with the Netflix API branding requirements []. * MXMLiszt []: a web-based delivery and search/retrieval environment for MusicXML [] files and their manifestations.