MXMLiszt article published
[Sat, 12 Nov 2011 16:23:30 +0000]
If anyone's truly bored, an article of mine about MXMLiszt [] has been published through OCLC Systems & Services [].
Here's the citation:
Nitin Arora, (2011) "MXMLiszt: a preliminary MusicXML digital library platform built on available open-source technologies []", OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 27 Iss: 4, pp.298 - 316.
I need to give a huge shout-out to Dr. Steven MacCall [] at the University of Alabama under whom I did the research for MXMLiszt which included delivering the software and a paper - that's much longer than the published one! - about libraries and digital sheet music. It was cool to finish up my library degree with stuff that meant more to me than just a means to, well, finishing up the degree.
Update, November 26, 2011: I should have mentioned that this article is not openly available. If you want to read the article but can't access it through your institution or local library, please email me at "nitaro74 AT gmail DOT com". Under the publication rules, I am allowed to distribute the version of the article I submitted to the publisher. I don't have any problem doing so if someone is genuinely interested provided you agree not to openly distribute copies and provided you check with your local library first. Most libraries have access to more resources than most of their patrons know!