AudioRegent 1.3 released
[Sun, 26 Dec 2010 15:49:35 +0000]
I've updated AudioRegent to version 1.3.
You can read an overview of the software and get the download link to the new version here [].
Here are the changes to the last release:
Version 1.3 changes to version 1.1:
* coded AudioRegent in a more object-oriented style to reduce coding redundancy
* added command line options
* improved internal source-code documentation
* created XML schema for SimpleADL 1.0
* created XSL transformation to convert the schema-less SimpleADL from AudioRegent-1.1 to SimpleADL 1.0
* changed to create UTF-8 encoded SimpleADL templates
* simplified the user interface for
* changed license from BSD to the more simply-worded MIT license
* updated documentation